
In the Summer of 1973, the Rev. Jim Woodson became the third Chaplain at Canterbury Chapel. At this time there were approximately 200 permanent members. Because of the change in the areas surrounding Canterbury Chapel, the Rev. Woodson chose not to live in the Chaplain's House at the Chapel.

In September 1974, the original electronic organ was replaced with a pipe organ from the Holtkamp Organ Company. The organ was centrally placed, and rearrangement of the chancel was required. In Novemeber 1980, the wooden cross that was hung after the installation of the new organ was replaced. The new brass cross was completed and installed. The cross was given in honor of the Rev. Jim Woodson's 25th anniversary of his ordination. The cross was designed by Henry Betak, a parishioner and UA professor of painting. John Rietta of Birmingham was selected to make the cross.

In 1987, through funds provided by the Diocese, substantial renovations and improvements were made to the Chapel. The open space between Canterbury House and the Chapel was filled in to provide an enlarged study for the Chaplain and two rooms for the secretary. The old Murray House was demolished and a new building, also named Murray House, was constructed. This addition included choir rooms, Sunday school rooms, and housing for six students. The Chapel had its windows changed, the balcony at the rear of the Chapel was eliminated, new flooding, air conditioning, kneelers, and other renovations were made. A number of improvements and modernizations were also made in Canterbury House.

In 1995, after 22 years of service as Chaplain, the Rev. Jim Woodson retired.