
In 1960, the house adjacent to Canterbury Chapel that was purchased in 1956, was vacated and renamed Murray House in honor of Bishop Murray. That year the Canterbury Kindergarten began downstairs, with two teachers and a maid. Elsie Gribbin was in charge until 1974, when Abbie Woodson took charge. First preference and a reduced rate were given to children of married students. The Kindergarten operated for about 20 years. The upstairs four rooms of Murray House were rented to students.

In the mid-1960's, Canterbury Chapel held Folk Music Masses. On April 20, 1967, The Crimson-White described one such of these Folk Masses as follows:
The occasion was the "Rejoice! Folk Mass," with parts of the Communion Service put to the tune of modern folk music.
Three fellows with guitars strummed up in front, and the big organ was silent. The congregation, following the lead of Rev. Emmet Gribbin and 25 strong voices from the big church downtown, ran through the pieces one in practice before launching into the service. 
On May 7, 1964, The Crimson-White commented about Canterbury Chapel with the following:

Other Roads Taken
 Tomorrow's Folk Music Mass at Canterbury House sharpens further, to us, the image of the man who most stands out among the student religious centers' directors.
Not to say that the others have not also done their jobs well, but to us Rev. Emmet Gribbin and his program have seemed a most refreshing oasis in this usually tradition-bound area. Tomorrow's program is but one example of the courageous direction the Episcopal center has had. The Christmas program of modern dance is but one other.
Further, Rev. Gribbin has not hidden behind the security of his clerical robes when issues become heated. His letter to the editor of the local newspaper concerning the county liquor referendum points this up.
College students often cannot be reached by following the old paths. Rev. Gribbin makes new appeals, tries other roads. Canterbury is fortunate to have him. 
In July 1973, the Rev. Emmet Gribbin, after nearly 20 years as Chaplain, ended his ministry there to become the Bishop's Deputy for Ministry.